Endometriosis, a Disease that Really Exists
The story of our patient, Amelia D., starts “classically”, with lines like: “it’s normal to hurt…”, “the problems are in your head”, “you’re too young to have endometriosis”, “there’s no such thing…”
Does it sound familiar? I think many endometriosis patients have heard this: “it’s normal to…versus it’s abnormal to…” even said by doctors.
Here’s our patient’s story, which I’m sure you’ll relate to:
I had my first period when I was 13. Right from the start I experienced pain, but it was bearable. Around the age of 17, I went to the gynecologist for the first time, because the pains had started to intensify and my menstruation was not regular.
The doctor at the time sent me home saying “it’s normal to have pain” and gave me some pills to adjust menstrual cycle. The menstruation regulated for a while, but in the next year I started taking pain killers during my period.
The pains intensified and, at least the first day, I wasn’t able to get out of bed without pills. Other doctors followed, other pills…a thick file. I was always told the pain was normal, that it would be that way until I got pregnant. I took everything I was told for granted, they were doctors… only my condition was getting worse and not just during my period. I had become permanently uncomfortable.
In the last 3 years, I started thinking about having a baby and although the doctors told me I was doing great, I never got pregnant. I never took birth control pills. One of the doctors even told me “go home and get on with it now, you have no problem. Stop complaining so much, the problems are in your head’’.
I also began to experience relationship issues, and I began to blame my husband even though he repeatedly demonstrated to me through tests that he didn’t have any problems.
In April 2021, on Easter day itself, I felt my ‘body on fire’. I crawled on my knees to the couch, where I curled up in pain. I took a Ketonal pill, which I immediately threw up. I took another pill and another…I howled in pain, like women do when they give birth. I lost consciousness and woke up still in pain…. The next few months, it got worse and worse. I couldn’t control myself, the bleeding was heavy, I was vomiting… It was cruel.
My social life depended a lot on when I had my period.
I started researching and read about endometriosis. I went to the doctors again and was told “there is no such thing”, that I was too young and was advised to cut the crap. Until one day a friend referred me to a gynecologist, who recommended some tests and investigations.
In September 2021, I went back to the doctor with my pelvic MRI and tests and she recommended me to see Professor Elvira Brătilă, a specialist in endometriosis. The line I remember was “this disease is not treatable by anyone”. I appreciated the fairness of the doctor who guided me.
When I reached Professor Elvira Brătilă, although I knew the diagnosis, I hoped it wasn’t true, but she confirmed not only the diagnosis, but also the stage of the disease: Deep Endometriosis, stage IV. She explained to me that it was an advanced form, that intraoperatively she could see if the disease had spread, and that whatever it was, we’d get it.
I left the medical room upset and started to try to find reasons not to agree with her, because such a harsh diagnosis seemed impossible. It was like it was predicting my future…
Then, on my way home, I reflected and came to the conclusion that I had spoken to a Professor with a reputation in this field, and instead of looking for excuses and explanations, I should see that there were SOLUTIONS.
I got in touch with Professor Elvira Brătilă’s multidisciplinary team, and on 15 November I had laparoscopic surgery at Monza Hospital, Bucharest, Romania.
The operation was a success. There were no complications, and in about two and a half hours I was back in the ward. The staff there was exceptional and I had very much confidence in Professor Elvira Brătilă.
After the laparoscopic operation, my life deeply changed in a positive manner. Regular menstruation, no discomfort, no pain, no medication…
I saw Professor Brătilă a month after the operation, she confirmed that I am now really well. She recommended only Myo Sun and relaxation, with the firm belief that the baby will come too. ;)
8 months after the surgery: “I’m pregnant,”…and the BABY is on the way to come.
Professor Elvira Bratilă is carefully watching my pregnancy. I chose to go to this special woman who has helped me the most. Thanks to her, I feel COMPLETE.
For many years, I endured a lot, because of the carelessness and poor training of some of our doctors, but when I came to this physician – Professor – I felt that the sun was going to come out on my street too.
The confidence she showed scared me at first, because I was used to uncertainty or disinterest through the experiences I had with other doctors, but I realized that the CONFIDENCE she speaks with comes from experience, study and dedication.
I trust this doctor 100%, who has given me back my life and the joy of motherhood. I honestly recommend her!
Thank you, Professor Elvira Brătilă! A story about a #Woman who although bearing a flower name is a #endowarrior and about #endometriosis, the #disease that #reallyExists!