Endomedicare Academy Center of Endometriosis • Prof. Dr ELVIRA BRATILA

State of the art surgery in gynecology

Pythagoras said that medicine is the most godlike of arts. The art of medicine involves passion for medicine, learned skills, cognitive understanding, emotional perception, professional intuition and wisdom in understanding that a patient is both body and soul.

Medical care is the ability to use evidence-based medicine to particularize it to get the best outcome for every patient as a unique human being, recognizing the importance of human understanding and an ethical commitment to care. “ Prof. Dr. Elvira Bratila

“Endomedicare Academy” – Center of Endometriosis

Prof. Dr. Bratila Elvira

“Endomedicare Academy” Center of Endometriosis, Bucharest, Romania:

Is an integrated multidisciplinary team dedicated to the diagnosis, treatment and minimally invasive surgery of endometriosis. In numbers:

  • Over 15 years in endometriosis surgery;
  • Over 1000 interventions of complex forms of deep endometriosis;
  • Over 99% of the minimally invasive endometriosis interventions performed;
  • Ileostomy-less than 1%.


With a remarkable expertise of over 15 years in gynecological surgery, focusing on minimally invasive endometriosis surgery.

Our team, led by Prof. Dr. Elvira Bratila, has successfully performed over 1000 interventions of complex forms of deep endometriosis – deep bladder, ureteral endometriosis, endometriosis with multiple intestinal locations -helping hundreds of patients regain their health and quality of life in a disease that invalidates the patients through pain, infertility and psychological impact.

Mentorship Advice
Mrs. Antoaneta V. testimonial

Patient’s testimonials

The stories of our patients become part of our story

Robotic myomectomy, Endomedicare Academy

Additional Services

Need a Second opinion?

We understand choosing a medical center for a surgery is a difficult decision, very different by choosing a holiday.

Patient Care Manager: May I guide you?

For the medical process and for the patient care services we recommend contacting our Patient Care Manager to advise you.

Travel Manager: May I guide you?

For the traveling process and for the travelling services we recommend contacting our Travel Manager to advise you.

Need a second opinion?

Send an e-mail to Prof. Dr. Elvira Bratila & upload medical documents

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Inspiris Mentorship Program

Elvira Bratila, MD, PhD: “Medicine is a continuous learning process. Therefore, my advice to the young specialists is to get continuously informed and educated, to be updated with the progress within the field in which one practices. Get involved in the field you are passionate about! It is very important in surgery that you do it with passion. This way you will not perceive it as an effort, but as a life goal. Last but not least, have courage to exceed your limits, dare following your dreams, believe in your strengths and share your passion with the world!”

The study of medicine is a process that requires a constant update of specialists, with a view to face the technological progress and to keep up with the innovation occurring in the entire medical spectrum of the our time.

Inspiris Mentorship Program